domingo, 10 de febrero de 2013


Carrer del Carme

Carrer de la Riera Alta

If we follow Ventura’s promenade we will pass through these two streets:  carrer Riera Alta and carrer del Carme. These are two of the most known streets in the neighborhood and in the city. Actually, what we pretend with this post is not that you pass only through these two streets; we want you to understand the concept of walking around, without any destiny —this is what Ventura and his friends do around the area—. Visiting Barcelona is, not only going to the touristic places, following a strict timetable that only allows you to visit a few things but without discovering the city.

According to that, we encourage you to stroll around the Raval before arriving to our next stop: la Plaça dels Àngels (MACBA, CCCB…). What is interesting in this area is that you can find a combination of passed and present. While you are walking around Carrer del Carme, Riera Alta or other streets around, you will see old traditional shops ruled by locals beside shops ruled by foreigners and in front you may see a modern shop (you can find many collections stores of books or vinyl discs); what is more, you can even find a public library in Carrer del Carme (Biblioteca de Sant Pau I de la Santa Creu). This strange combination should be shocking but is this contrast what makes the Raval different from other areas in Barcelona.

These differences inside the streets can be seen, not only in the different kind of shops or people that walk around, but also on the balconies. If you have the opportunities of strolling around El Raval we recommend looking at them because there you may see different flags and clothes that illustrate how multiculturalist is this neighborhood.

Balconies in El Raval
Balconies of an "occupied" house in El Raval

We hope that you have enjoyed walking around and see you soon at Plaça dels Àngels.

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